
Almost half of websites vulnerable to cyber attack
Almost half of all Dutch company websites are vulnerable to attacks by cyber criminals due

German government: many webshops unsafe
The Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI), part of the German Ministry of Internal

1900 exposures and vulnerabilities per month?
A cybersecurity insurer predicts that a 13% growth to 1,900 CVEs monthly would include 270

Irish university closed for two days due to hacking into IT systems
Irish university MTU Cork has decided to close all four campuses for two days and

37 million accounts T-Mobile stolen
T-Mobile said a “bad actor” abused an application programming interface (API) to hoover up data

Binnen 24 uur meldplicht actief aangevallen kwetsbaarheid voor leveranciers
De Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) stelt verplichtingen aan leveranciers. Zo moeten die bij de planning,

Caren zorgt voor datalek bij diverse zorginstellingen
Ruim negenduizend zorgaanbieders en bijna een half miljoen mensen maken van de digitale gezondheidsomgeving Caren

OpenSSL fixes two high severity vulnerabilities
The OpenSSL Project has patched two high-severity security flaws in its open-source cryptographic library used

BSI: threat level in cyberspace higher than ever before
Due to the large number of vulnerabilities in software, the continuous stream of cyber attacks

IBD in 2021 verdubbeling kwetsbaarheden met hoge impact en kans op misbruik
Alle hard- en software bevat kwetsbaarheden en fouten. Deze zouden kunnen worden misbruikt door kwaadwillenden.

WhatsApp vulnerable to two zero-day vulnerabilities
WhatsApp silently fixed two critical zero-day vulnerabilities that affect both Android & iOS versions allowing

Critical zero-day vulnerability in WordPress plugin WPGateway
Hackers are actively exploiting a critical zero-day vulnerability in the WordPress plugin WPGateway & have